
Support Guardian Angels Parish

Dear parishioners,

As many of you know, our parish greatly depends on our parishioners who fund our ongoing parish operating costs with their generous monetary contribution and volunteer selflessly their precious time & talent to run the various parish ministries. In the past years, the Fundraising Committee raised approximately $40,000 each year that helped build our beautiful church.  Our operating costs including the maintenance of the church and grounds and our huge loans, chancery, and Family of Faith are ongoing. Many of us are stretched financially but for those who are in a position to help, we kindly ask that you share a little more of your monetary blessings. 

Please support our parish fundraising efforts.

In addition, below are ways to continue your support to our parish:

  • By CHEQUE payable to Guardian Angels Parish, 10630 Creditview Road, Brampton, ON L7A  0T4
    Please call the parish office to arrange a drop-off date/time or drop off the cheque in the donation box when you come to church after the livestream Mass to receive the Eucharist or send your cheque through Canada Post 
  • PAG (Pre-Authorized Giving) PLAN:
    The Office of Stewardship Development of the Archdiocese of Toronto looks after the Pre-Authorized Giving Plan for the parish. When you participate in the PAG Plan, your offering will be deducted from your bank account on or about the 20th of each month. The amount donated will then be transferred to the Guardian Angels Parish Building Fund. A receipt will be given by the parish office at the end of the year for the total amount donated.

To enroll in the PAG Plan,

      • CLICK HERE to download the PAG Form and attach a void cheque from your bank
      • Ways to submit the completed PAG form:
        • Email the completed PAG form with a copy of your void cheque to  or
        • Submit to the parish office
        • Drop in the donation box when you come to church for Mass

"And do not neglect doing good and sharing, for with such sacrifices God is pleased" ~Hewbrews 13:16~